Good business culture and governance starts with well trained managers. These courses offer a range of essential skills for anyone in a management or leadership position.


Being Proactive in Safety (Video)
Many workplace accidents and injuries can be prevented by taking a proactive approach to safety. For this reason, it is essential that all workers understand how to control risks and prevent accidents.

Building and Managing Teams
Managers are required to build and manage their teams. However, building a team to the point where it is performing adequately and working cohesively together takes time and effort.

Change Management
An organisation’s ability to be agile, react to its environment and change is vital to its survival. However, in order for change to be successfully implemented, it relies not only on having a change management plan but also having key individuals throughout the organisation supporting and promoting the change. This is where the role of line managers becomes crucial in ensuring that their team members are aware of the change and are appropriately supported to embrace the change

Change Management for New Systems
Change is inevitable in all organisations and can be disruptive if not managed appropriately. Managers play a key role in supporting their team through times of change, including during the deployment of new systems.

Delegating Work (Video)
Making decisions is one of the most common and important aspects of a leaders job and one that is instrumental to your organisations success.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, control and manage emotions as well as understand, interpret and respond to the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is therefore vital when it comes to workplace relationships, conflict resolution, teamwork and the overall success of the organisation. Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed by improving self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.

Engaging and Motivating Employees
Employees who are engaged and motivated are enthusiastic about their work because they know that they're investing their time in something worthwhile. Furthermore, engaged and motivated employees create a positive working environment and help organisations achieve their goals. Therefore, the aim of every organisation should be to ensure that all employees are engaged and motivated.

In today’s extremely competitive business environment, effective leadership provides many benefits and assists the organisation to achieve success and stability. To do this, however, leaders must be able to provide inspiration, motivation and clear direction to their team. In the absence of effective leadership, organisations often grow slowly and may lose their direction and competitiveness.

Leading Virtual Teams
As the world of work becomes increasingly global, more and more employees are required to work remotely and perform as part of a virtual team. As a result, managers need to be equipped with key skills which will help them to manage their teams virtually.

Making Decisions
Managers in organisations will often be asked to make decisions in response to changes in the internal and external environments. Making the right decisions can provide growth opportunities for organisations while making the wrong decisions may lead to financial loss and instability. Therefore, managers need to understand the process they should follow to make the best decision.

Making Decisions (Video)
Making decisions is one of the most common and important aspects of a leaders job and one that is instrumental to your organisations success.

Managing Difficult Situations
Difficult situations exist in all workplaces and they range from personality clashes to situations with potentially serious legal consequences. The most common response from people is to avoid having a conversation regarding the issue. This usually leads to bigger problems such as conflicts within the team and reduced employee satisfaction. The most effective way to deal with such situations is to have a conversation with the employee. 

Managing the Discipline Process
Managers are responsible for ensuring behavioural problems in the workplace are contained and remedied quickly and appropriately. This requires them to take disciplinary action against staff members when necessary.

Managing Workplace Conflict
When conflict arises in the workplace, it can reduce productivity, harm staff relationships and damage morale. Conflict is inevitable in organisational life but if managed effectively, it will not have destructive consequences for an organisation. Effective conflict management is based on a solid understanding of the different ways conflict emerges and can be resolved.

Running a Productive Meeting (Video)
Running productive meetings is essential to the success of your organisation.

Running Effective Meetings
Running effective meetings can have a positive impact on the overall productivity of departments, work groups and project teams. However, to run an effective meeting, you need to be well prepared for the meeting and follow a set structure.

Running Effective Virtual Meetings
Running effective meetings can have a positive impact on the overall productivity of departments, workgroups and project teams. When you are conducting your meeting virtually (for example, over teleconference or videoconference), some different principles might apply as opposed to when you conduct meetings in person.
