Training and Forms


Training for Cablers

Important links and information

NOTE: Additional training requirements for Structured, Co-axial and Optical Fibre specialised cabling:

  • All Open registered cablers doing these types of specialised/advanced cabling must have acquired the appropriate specialist competencies, also known as Endorsements,
  • All Restricted registered cablers intending to work on Broadband installations must have acquired the relevant Restricted Broadband specialist competency.

FORMS: Applying for a Cabling Registration

The "Pathways to ACMA Cabling Provider Rules" document was updated by the ACMA in November 2023. This included changes to the "Requirements for registration", in particular the required number of hours on-the-job experience. Proof of this experience needs to be provided for registration to be accepted.

The required number of hours relevant cabling experience is 360 hours (OPEN), 80 hours (RESTRICTED) to be completed within a 2 year period. Relevant cabling experience means experience in installing telecommunications, electrical, security system, fire system, or lift cables. Note that design or supervision of cabling work, or cabling using pre-terminated cabling such as extension leads or patching, is not accepted as relevant cabling experience.

Written proof of experience can include one or more of the following:

  • suitably recognised industry cabling practices (for example, licensed electrician, qualified Foxtel installer, qualified audio/ video installers)
  • a statutory declaration signed by the candidate in the presence of an authorised witness setting out the details of the candidate's experience
  • a detailed log book of cabling experience showing dates and types of work
  • a signed statement by an employer or a registered cabler by whom the candidate has been directly supervised detailing the candidate's experience

For more go to the Cabling Provider Rules (ACMA website)

Useful documents

Useful links